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36739 items found  (Total items: 36739)
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Groom Surname   Groom Given   Groom Age   Groom Residence   Bride Surname   Bride Given   Bride Age   Bride Residence   Day/month   Year   Book   Page   Marriage Place  
AbarrRobin Bruce0 StergerArlene marion0 13-Jul195700Redwood City
AbasoloAntonio Kammanong0 CordovaLena Rosalia0 20-Apr195300Redwood City
AbbaFrancis Lawrence0 ColeMarjorie Lee0 22-Feb196400San Francisco
AbbeMarnon Fahnenbruck0 WoodJaniece Minnie0 23-Feb195200San Francisco
AbbeRichard William0 MurrayPauline Alexa0 1-Aug195300Stanford
AbbottCharles0 WikreMarilyn Lee0 26-Mar196500Menlo Park
AbbottDouglas Eugene0 NewmarkDoris Bernice0 16-Dec195600Stanford
AbbottEarl William0 WikreDiane Marie0 27-Jan196100Brookdale [Santa Cruz]
AbbottElbert James0 WilshireMary Ellen0 21-Apr195700Redwood City
AbbottHerrod0 GonzalesEleanor Alice0 14-Apr194600Redwood City
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