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434 items found  (Total items: 434)
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Drawer   Number   Document   Request By   Notes   Date  
RC6G1- 57-7 Map - Plan and Profile of
Earth Dam and Reservoir
on Property of ER Dimond
Dimond, Edwin RPortola 16-Jul-20
RC6G1- 57-6 Map - Lands of Edwin R
Dimond, Edwin RPortola/ Dennis Martin
RC6G1- 57-5 Subdivisions of the
Bayley Ranch
Bangheart, Margaret 1-Jul-1877
RC6G1- 57-5 Subdivisions of the
Bayley Ranch
Shultz, John W 1-Jul-1877
RC6G1- 57-5 Subdivisions of the
Bayley Ranch
Bayland, Catherine 1-Jul-1877
RC6G1- 57-5 Subdivisions of the
Bayley Ranch
Shultz, George W 1-Jul-1877
RC6G1- 57-5 Subdivisions of the
Bayley Ranch
Campbell 1-Jul-1877
RC6G1- 57-5 Map - Subdivisions of the
Bayley Ranch
 on Purissima Creek25 May 1881
RC6G1- 57-4 Map - property in Villa
Lots of J V Diller -
Redwood City 1863
  a 1863
RC6G1- 57-3 Map - Survey of Rights
McMahon Gulch Granada -
Right of Way to CB Smith
by LH Miegil and wife
Smith, CB 30-Jun-24
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